Thank you for a wonderful 2017!The Blanden Art Museum is celebrating 85 successful years all thanks to you! This work is the result of a community of dedicated,...
What the Blanden Means to Me!Comments by Iowa Central Community College Photography Students Jordan Bourque - "The Blanden impacted me by making me feel like we could...
We need YOUR input.Do you have a minute to give us helpful advice on how we can better serve you? Only 5 simple questions! Click here for survey. We love...
Daniel Rhodes“Some artists live their work. For a lifetime they happily respond to an all-inclusive compulsion to make art. Daniel Rhodes is one of...
Born on this day in 1946."I don't like that particular word 'shocking.' I'm looking for the unexpected. I'm looking for things I've never seen before … I was in a...
Hello! Welcome to the Blanden News!Here we will be sharing current news and artwork from the BMAM Permanent Collection. We look forward to connecting with you! Keep...